A rush of sensitivity.
Heart's sonar in my cheek.
Index detection. Inadvertent.
Rippling out is the truth;
This is always so:
the intensely sensitive world being lived,
while you're up in your head.
To the music of:
Lisa Morgenstern - My Boat
Katu - Spleen
Perfume Genius - Some Dream


Deepen your connection to life in the present through the interplay of stillness, movement and spontaneous improvisation.

Participants are guided on a journey into the body through embodiment practices. Exercises for developing connecting to inner and outer landscapes are facilitated along with invitations to flow into improvisation. These practices allow participants to discover and play with their own improvisational style.

The body is often neglected for hours, days, weeks, or longer, but it is always there waiting to receive our affectionate attention. This gentle practice is offered in a calm, unhurried way, facilitating the kind of space our bodies and minds tend to be yearning for whether in day to day life or a festival atmosphere. Embodiment practices help us to remember to be playful and that life is an improvisation.

My facilitation experience ranges from music festivals and private parties to men’s gatherings.